#fascism and national socialism
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rwpohl · 4 months ago
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dramatic methaphors of fascism and antifascism, leah hadomi 1996
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charliejaneanders · 8 months ago
Elon Musk has turned 𝕏 into a right-wing hate network, with violent racism and transphobia... Unlike its competitors such as Gab and Truth Social, 𝕏 is successful in normalizing white supremacist ideologies because of the large userbase it inherited from Twitter. A userbase that, when you post on 𝕏, includes you.
Here's a site to help organizations and people move on from X-Twitter.
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 11 months ago
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probablyasocialecologist · 1 year ago
The murder of people with physical, mental, and psychological disabilities was also directly linked to economic concerns — it was intended to rid the economy of people who were considered a burden. The Nazi language was quite economic and financially minded in this respect. For example, a typical propaganda poster read: “60,000 Reichsmarks throughout his life: that is the cost of this hereditary sick person for the Volksgemeinschaft [the Nazi word for national community]. Volksgenosse [national comrade], that is also your money.”
Even the Shoah is related to economic considerations. For in Nazi ideology, Jews were seen as the ultimate obstacle. Obstacle to what? To capitalism, not least. They were considered the backbone of Marxism. The Nazis construed Marxism as an essentially Jewish conspiracy against the capitalist economy — and thus against the natural order. Of course, the Shoah was the result of many factors and the culmination of various Nazi obsessions, phobias, and hatreds. But among all these, one shouldn’t lose sight of this socioeconomic factor.
The Nazis Weren’t Socialists — They Were Hypercapitalists
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months ago
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On September 8, 2007 in Sydney, Australia, the antiglobalization movement mobilized once again against neoliberal economic policies, this time to oppose the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit. Just as during the protests against the World Trade Organization in Seattle, Washington, in 1999, the streets were filled with an array of groups, such as environmentalists, socialists, and human rights advocates. And also just like in Seattle, there was a “Black Bloc”—a group of militant activists, usually left-wing anarchists, who wore masks and dressed all in black.
In Sydney, the Black Bloc assembled and hoisted banners proclaiming “Globalization is Genocide.” But when fellow demonstrators looked closely, they realized these Black Bloc marchers were “National-Anarchists”—local fascists dressed as anarchists who were infiltrating the demonstration. The police had to protect the interlopers from being expelled by irate activists.
Since then, the National-Anarchists have joined other marches in Australia and in the United States; in April 2008, they protested on behalf of Tibet against the Chinese government during the Olympic torch relay in both Canberra, Australia, and San Francisco. In September, U.S. National-Anarchists protested the Folsom Street Fair, an annual gay “leather” event held in San Francisco.
While these may seem like isolated incidents of quirky subterfuge, these quasi-anarchists are an international export of a new version of fascism that represent a significant shift in the trends and ideology of the movement. National-Anarchists have adherents in Australia, Great Britain, the United States, and throughout continental Europe, and in turn are part of a larger trend of fascists who appropriate elements of the radical Left. Like “Autonomous Nationalists” in Germany and the genteel intellectual fascism of the European New Right, the National-Anarchists appropriate leftist ideas and symbols, and use them to obscure their core fascist values. The National-Anarchists, for example, denounce the centralized state, capitalism, and globalization — but in its place they seek to establish a system of ethnically pure villages.
In 1990, Chip Berlet showed in Right Woos Left how the extreme Right in the United States has made numerous overtures to the Left. “The fascist Right has wooed the progressive Left primarily around opposition to such issues as the use of U.S. troops in foreign military interventions, support for Israel, the problems of CIA misconduct and covert action, domestic government repression, privacy rights, and civil liberties.”[1] More recently, the fascist Right has also tried to build alliances based on concern for the environment, hardline antizionism, and opposition to globalization.
Fascism has become increasingly international in the post World War II period, particularly with the rise of the internet. One of the most obvious results of this internationalization is the continual flow of European ideas to the United States; for example, the Nazi skinhead movement originated in Britain and quickly spread to the United States. In trade, Americans have exported the Ku Klux Klan to Europe and smuggled Holocaust denial and neo-Nazi literature into Germany.[2]
The National-Anarchist idea has spread around the world over the internet. The United States hosts only a few web sites, but the trend so far has been towards a steady increase. But it represents what many see as the potential new face of fascism. By adopting selected symbols, slogans and stances of the left-wing anarchist movement in particular, this new form of postwar fascism (like the European New Right) hopes to avoid the stigma of the older tradition, while injecting its core fascist values into the newer movement of antiglobalization activists and related decentralized political groups. Simultaneously, National-Anarchists hope to draw members (such as reactionary counter-culturalists and British National Party members) away from traditional White Nationalist groups to their own blend of what they claim is “neither left nor right.”[3]
Despite this claim, National-Anarchist ideology is centered directly on what scholar Roger Griffin defines as the core of fascism: “palingenetic populist ultranationalism.” “Palingenetic,” he says, is a “generic term for the vision of a radically new beginning which follows a period of destruction or perceived dissolution.” Palingenetic ultranationalism therefore is “one whose mobilizing vision is that of the national community rising phoenix like after a period of encroaching decadence which all but destroyed it.”[4]
For the National-Anarchists, this “ultranationalism” is also their main ideological innovation: a desire to create a stateless (and hence “anarchist”) system of ethnically pure villages. Troy Southgate, their leading ideologue, says “we just want to stress that National-Anarchism is an essential racialist phenomenon. That’s what makes it different.”[5]
Why should we pay attention to such new forms of fascism? There is no immediate threat of fascism taking power in the established western liberal democracies; the rise to power of Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s occurred in a different era and under different social conditions than those that exist today. Nonetheless, much is at stake.
These new permutations have the potential of playing havoc on social movements, drawing activists out from the Left into the Right. For example, when the Soviet Union collapsed, a number of non-Communist left-wing groups suddenly emerged in Russia offering the promise of a more egalitarian society sans dictatorship. However, the group that became dominant was the National Bolsheviks, who are probably the most successful contemporary Third Position fascist group (see glossary). Catching the imagination of disaffected youth by taking up many left-wing stances and engaging in direct action, they successfully obliterated their rivals by absorbing their demographic base en masse. The left-wing groups disappeared and the National Bolsheviks remain a powerful political movement today with a huge grassroots and youth base. As they grow older, they will remain influential in Russian politics for decades.
Even when small, Jeffrey Bale suggests it is important to pay attention to these fascist sects because they can serve as transmission belts for unconventional political ideas, influence more mainstream groups, and link up into transnational networks.[6]
Over the years, the antiglobalization movement has also created an opening for these Left-Right alliances. The Dutch antiracist group De Fabel van de illegaal pulled out of the antiglobalization movement in 1998 because of its links with far right forces. Pat Buchanan, the paleoconservative politician who holds racist and antisemitic views, spoke on a Teamsters Union platform during the demonstrations against the IMF/ World Bank in Washington D.C. in April 2000.[7] Meanwhile, racists like Louis Beam (who has worked with the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nations) and Matt Hale (of the World Church of the Creator) praised the Seattle demonstrations against the World Trade Organization in 1999.[8]
At the same time, parts of the anti-imperialist Left (including some anarchists) have built alliances with reactionary Islamist movements such as Hamas and Hezbollah, called for open acceptance of antisemitism, and embraced nationalist struggles.[9] This history prompts many cosmopolitan anarchists to worry that the overtures of newstyle fascists to radical Leftists could meet with some success.
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anamericangirl · 1 year ago
Hey any fascists currently recruiting? I'm a patriotic conservative Christian and since all my values strongly oppose state control and support freedom of the individual I'm the perfect recruit!
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fuckyeahmarxismleninism · 2 years ago
By Susann Witt-Stahl
In January, U.S. tech giant Meta, which owns Instagram, Facebook and other social media outlets, removed Azov from its list of dangerous organizations. Since then, Azov as a movement – ​​which, in addition to the combat units, also includes militias for terrorizing opposition members and minorities inside Ukraine, a political party, its own fashion and music labels and a merchandise network – has been able to operate worldwide without restrictions. With its ever-expanding propaganda machine, Azov not only produces fascist warmongering, ideologies of a master race and heroic myths, but also targeted disinformation: above all, the lie that Azov has broken away from Nazism, which is the lie that politicians and the media in the European Union and the United States put forward, being disseminated on a large scale.
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k-wame · 1 year ago
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thepopculturearchivist · 10 months ago
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THE LIVING AGE, March 1, 1924
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pro-prin-prinny · 4 months ago
If you're
- A capitalist
- Anti-immigration
- Anti-muslim
- Queer
You aren't a leftist, you're just a more honest Blaire White. And no the left didn't "betray" you, your interests were against ours from the beginning you were just quiet about it because the right wants you dead.
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commiepinkofag · 1 year ago
'how dare you criticize Dems or support a third party'
the fear-based blind support of Democrats needs to stop.
the 'lesser of two evils vote' argument should be enough of a realization that there is only one-party rule in the US.
an 'evil' capitalist-driven party, aka fascism.
the encroachment on civil liberties, human rights has been incremental and steady.
as resources become more scare, and opposition to oppression grows, so have the efforts of social control expanded, accelerated.
stop electing the wealthy class.
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nicklloydnow · 6 months ago
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“In all events, those men have triumphed who forced the world back into the psychological structure of war. They can all perish to the very last man: they leave behind the war and the following wars.” - Elias Canetti, ‘The Human Province’ (1978) [p. 28]
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the-light-of-stars · 2 years ago
So what's the deal with Wagner?
well, so firstly: I also hate Wagner for other reasons, this one is just the personal reason, there's a lot more objective ones to dislike Wagner and his music that I can't get into here bc this post is already really long, which is why I didn't feel like putting this all in the tags of that post because this is still quite a lot vdbbd but basically:
I had a classmate in high school who was really into opera. and I mean really into opera. the 'this guy would randomly start singing opera during breaks' kind of into opera.
so the operas he was singing randomly were multiple different ones but mostly Wagner, because Wagner was his favorite composer (red flag) and out of those mainly Lohengrin. and the thing is that this guy , who btw was quite the personality since he was constantly trying to be the funny guy, had absolutely 0 regard for people's personal space or boundaries and was also the kind of preppy kashmere-sweater-over-collared-shirt wearing 'kid from a well-off household' type that's...well..if you have seen Knives Out: pretty much whatever the teenage boy in that had going on except that my classmate wasn't the twitter-user type of alt-right but conservative classic™️, this guy, this classmate, had a really weird rivalry going on with another boy from our year that was in a different class than me.
now that other guy...that other guy was like if you took the first guy and changed all the settings to max. he was from a richer family, was wearing more expensive clothes, was way more vain and arrogant (he would constantly check, comb and gel his hair even during class), had way better grades, was taller, better at sports, more conventionally attractive, more popular and had multiple girlfriends that he would cheat on and make out with in the hallways (much to the chagrin of other classmate, who tried real hard to get into peoples' pants but kept getting rejected for being a grody little creep). and he was a straight up fascist. and I don't mean the alt-right 4chan user kind, I mean that this guy was like if a fascist boy scout from 1930s germany had been sent to our times via time machine. and he was just saying whatever opinions he had as if it was the most logical and most natural thing in the world, it was genuinelly unsettling. he got commended by our principals at our graduation ceremony. hell world.
anyways so first guy , basically being treated as a cheap and worse version of second guy to the point that first guy's own father congratulated the other guy at graduation and not his own son, had this rivalry with second guy which basically was a mix of him hating the second guy because of the 'just a cheap version' thing, while also trying real hard to emulate and impress him, it was quite the thing. and one way he would try to one-up the other guy was - exactly- via his opera singing. he was quite a good tenor, actually, the issue was just that, you guessed it, the other guy was a better opera singer too.
and, well, because they were both into Wagner (second guy once called Wagner's music 'masters' music', that is in the sense of 'music for masters' , and since he was a gross little fasc i think it's pretty clear what he meant with that) , second guy would come over to our classroom during breaks and they would start doing the opera version of rap-battles, singing parts of Lohengrin and other Wagner music at each other in some kind of weird battle for dominance and the other's acknowledgement. they would do this - very loudly btw - at least once a week.
and this is why I have a very personal hatred for Wagner.
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filosofablogger · 3 months ago
Makes Me Glad I'm "Woke"
I am sick and damn tired of Donald Trump. 🤮  I’m sick of writing about him, sick of seeing his ugly mug, and sick of hearing his whiny voice.  But alas, for the foreseeable future, he is part of the reality that we are forced to live with here in the Disunited States of America (DSA) and to ignore him would be very dangerous indeed.  And there is no doubt that his niece, Mary, has seen him…
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pateralba · 1 year ago
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Geçmişle gelecek arasında bağ kurarak kurallar oluşturmuş, ortak tarih-dil-gelenek-inanç-coğrafya özellikleriyle doğuştan geldiği iddia edilen, doğaüstü bir yaratılıştan var olan bir olgu olduğu yanılgısıyla, güçlü ve zayıf hiyerarşisinin içinde mücadele ettiği kanıksanmış, millet-ulus kavramının milliyetçilik için yeterli olmadığını biliyor muydunuz?
Milliyetçiliğin kendini var edebilmesi için, belirli bir ekonomik ve toplumsal gelişmişlik şarttı. Millet daha eski olsa da, milliyetçilik yakın bir dönemde ortaya çıktı ve kapitalizm için bir gereklilikten doğdu. Kapitalist toplumda, sermaye birikiminin var olması için rekabet gerekliydi ve 18.yy da rekabet için milliyetçilik kavramlaştı. Ulus-devlet de bu rekabetin ürünüdür. Feodal üretim biçiminden, kapitalist üretime geçerken, ulusal pazar ekonomisini yaratmak, aynı toplumun üyesi olma bilincini gerektirdi. Yani, hayali bir cemaati oluşturan milliyetçilik, ulus-devlet sonrası ortaya çıkan bir kavram. Ulus-devlet, kendini okul-ordu-medya ideolojik aygıtları ile var etti.
Anlattığım kadarıyla, burjuva bir fikir olduğu anlaşılan milliyetçilik, kapitalistle işçiyi aynı milletin üyesi olarak göstererek, sınıf bilincinin oluşmasını da engelledi ve sömürüyü kolaylaştırdı. Irkçılık ise, milliyetçilikten farklı olarak, diğer milletlere karşı nefreti besledi. Kapitalist toplumda, köle emeği kullanılmasını meşrulaştırmanın ideolojisi haline geldi. Birlikte yaşayan iki toplumdan baskın olanı, diğeri üzerinde hüküm sürme çabasına girdiğinde, bu ��aba sonucu ezilen ulus milliyetçiliği dediğimiz yeni bir bilinç oluştu. Yani, ırkçılık başka bir milliyetçiliği doğurdu. Fakat milliyetçiliğin, ezilen ulustan olması, onun özelliklerini çoğu zaman değiştirmedi. Çünkü, onun en kötü yanı, kendini sorgulamamasıydı ve sorgulanmayan milliyetçilik, ırkçılığa-faşizme açık kapı bırakmış oluyordu. Bir yandan kendi ulusunun ezilmesine karşı çıkarken, diğer yandan başka bir ulusun ezilmesine duyarsız kalabilen milliyetçilik, ırkçılığın siyasallaşma biçimine dönüşmüştür.
Küreselleşmenin etkisiyle, insan odaklı anlayışlar geliştikçe, milliyetçilik eski önemini kaybetti fakat az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde, hala benimsenir haldedir. Milliyetçilik ile faşizm arasında da, bir kapsama ilişkisi var ve milliyetçilik faşizmi kapsıyor. Faşistlerin doğrudan bir millete, popülist bir bağlılıkları varken, farklı etnik ve kültürel çeşitliliğe çok az tahammülü var. Faşistler, ne kadar vatansever propaganda yaparsa yapsın, sırtlarını dış güçlere dayamaktan da vazgeçmiyor.
Şovenizm ise, kendine ait olanı yüceltip, ötekinin değerlerini küçümseyen aşırı milliyetçiliğin saldırgan, savaş ve şiddet yanlısı, kışkırtmacı ideolojisi olarak faşizmin en sık rastlanan örneğidir. Sosyal şovenizm ise, bu politikanın sol-sosyalizm adına yapılmasına deniyor. Kriz ve savaş koşullarında, burjuvazinin elinde etkili bir silah oluyor.
Milliyetçiliğin, başka ulusları ezecek kadar egemen olmasını istemeyenler, insanlık çıkarlarını ulusal çıkarların üzerinde tutarak, enternasyonalist olmak zorundadır. Enternasyonalist olmakla birlikte, yurtsever de olabilirler. Yurtseverlik, duygularını kontrol eder ve hayal ürünü bir aidiyete dönüşmez. Yurtseverlik, sevgiye dayanan anti-emperyalist bir düşünce biçimiyken, milliyetçilik rekabete dayanıyor. Yurtsever, vatanının ekonomik kuruluşlarının özelleştirilmesine karşı ve olgulara emekçilerin çıkarları açısından yaklaştığından, milliyetler arasında bir eşitsizliği de kabul etmiyor.
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dailyanarchistposts · 8 months ago
Among Barbarians, by Emma Goldman
The difference between a barbarian and a truly civilized being is this: While the former sets up his own opinion as the universal criterion, the latter recognizes no stagnation in the world of ideas; the barbarian condemns; the civilized man endeavors to understand.
The barbarian says, “We live in the most progressive land; we have achieved all that is possible.” He considers contrary opinions as criminal and disturbing the harmony of things.
Barbarism is a stagnant swamp; intellectual liberty is the flowing river, the raging torrent carrying away the riff raff of old, decayed institutions.
This barbarism is the great foe of the libertarian and revolutionary element in America. Not the revolutionists only, but also the innovators in the fields of art and literature have no less to endure from the barbarians, though in different form.
The Anarchists are persecuted by absurd legislation; the revolutionaries in art and literature, by our public opinion and moral standards. Anarchists are the victims of police brutality; the artists, dissatisfied with the art conceptions of parlor estheticists, suffer the condemnation of Mrs. Grundy.
Woe to the American artist who will not be the slave of Puritanic hyprocisy. He would die of starvation were he to depend upon his art for the means of subsistence.
It would be difficult to find a judge in the United States who could see in Anarchistic defendants the representatives of a new conception of life; a new world-philosophy, intimately related with the social, scientific, artistic and economic currents of past generations.
In this respect the revolutionists of Europe have the advantage. The authorities of France, Germany, Italy and Russia lack the spirit of the American parvenu, whose most characteristic trait is conceit. Worldly successful, he considers himself perfect; but the self-made man is usually a god-made ass.
European civilization has outgrown the spirit of the parvenu. World-changing revolutions have taken place; and where these lacked, deep-rooted currents developed the consciousness that humanity cannot remain at a standstill.
There, even the powers that be have to some extent fallen under the broadening influence of a higher civilization. Naturally, their interests will determine their inimical attitude towards the heralds of new ideas; still, their antagonism is not of a character to stamp the revolutionists as criminals and degenerates, as is the case in this country.
A Parisian judge, daily passing the site where formerly stood the Bastille, or the Place de la Concorde, the Tuileries Gardens��each and every stone loudly proclaiming the historic mutability of all that is—must necessarily awaken to a clearer appreciation of revolutionary ideas than his American colleague. The latter firmly believes that the path of our social and intellectual growth has been finally and irrevocably marked out by the revolutionary fathers of the republic.
Title: Among Barbarians Author: Emma Goldman Topics: civilization, Libertarian Labyrinth, Mother Earth Date: February 1907 Source: Retrieved on 25th April 2021 from wiki.libertarian-labyrinth.org Notes: Published in Mother Earth 1, no. 12 (February 1907): 10–11.
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